July 03, 2008

Quick Update (for those who care...)

I realized I've been posting about a lot of random things lately, but besides my overview on the midwest following my trip to Kansas, I haven't really been posting about my life...so here's a quick little update for those who A. Care B. Still read this thing:

1. Travel - I feel like I've spent the last month in the air - flew to Kansas and back, then to Michigan, Minnesota, back to San Diego. Had a great time being back in MN and seeing everyone, but man, it was a lot in a short amount of time, and I still didn't get to see everyone for as long as I would have liked (sorry Allie! We'll just have to meet in Seattle/Vancouver for coffee again! :)).

2. High School Reunion - Oh, yes, 10 years have gone by. I was rediculously apprehensive about attending, and part of me STILL didn't want to go even as Nate and I were driving to it, but Nate was right - I was glad I went, had fun catching up with some old friends I hadn't seen since graduation, and it was fun hearing/reading about where everyone is now. Fun fact: only 34 of my 222 classmates live out of state. Other fun fact: my reunion was held in an event center that is also a discount liquor store. Yeah, Nate got a kick out of that one. What can I say - I'm a small town girl.

3. Job - not much to report in this area. Trucking along, getting new projects, wishing for more. I'm currently enjoying planning the Inauguration the most right now, but also had a great time at the data base conference I was sent to, more so than I was expecting. So, fun stuff to play around with for the next few months.

4. Hair - Chopped. Short. Hey, summer is hot in San Diego! I live in a freaking desert!

5. Hip-Hop - April and I were taking a hip-hop class (for work-out purposes) and have definitley enjoyed it, but are now feeling like we need more of a challenge - salsa may be next. Not only is it fun, but we both feel like we'll actually USE salsa more than hip-hop in the long run.

6. Church - GREAT! Love it. For the first time in 5+ years, I actually enjoy my church.


So, there's a quick little update. Summer is packed, so although Lynnea commended me on my ability to keep this blog up to date, we'll see if it lasts.

Also, here's some pictures of some common adventures - hiking has become my new favorite activity out here:

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